Loans and returns
Everything you need to know about loans, renewals and returns of materials.
Borrowing and Loan Periods
As a user of Aarhus Libraries, you have free access to borrow books, films, music, magazines and games free of charge to enjoy at home.
The standard loan period is one month. However, popular materials may have shorter loan periods of 7 or 14 days.
How to borrow materials
You can borrow materials by using the libraries' self-service terminals. You will need your health card, library card or your CPR number and PIN.
Digital library card
With the Library app you have a digital library card.
Keep track of the return deadline
You can print out a receipt for your borrowed materials at the self-service terminals and see when the materials are due back.

Renewing a loan
If you want to keep your borrowed materials for longer, you can try renewing.
You can renew a loan 2 times, and no earlier than 7 days before the due date.
You can renew your loans via all the libraries' self-service terminals, the Library app and the website.
How to renew via the website
- Log in to to see your user status
- Click on your user in the top right corner and go to ‘Lån’. This will take you to an overview of what you have borrowed from the library. At the top you will see any loans that have exceeded their due date, followed by the rest of your loans
- Select the loan you want to renew
- Select ‘Renew all’ or ‘Renew selected.
How to renew via the app
- Log in to the app
- Go to ‘Min side’
- Tap on ‘Lån'
Renew one loan
Tap on the material you would like to renew. If the material cannot be renewed, it will say ‘Kan ikke fornyes’ (Cannot be renewed).
Renew multiple loans
Tap the three dots in the top right corner and select ‘Forny flere’. If the materials cannot be renewed, you will not be able to select them.
If the material cannot be renewed
If you cannot renew a material, it will appear with the text ‘Kan ikke fornyes’.
The reasons are usually
- There are other users in the queue.
- You have already renewed your material twice.
You have the option to renew a loan up to 2 times. If you need another loan period, you will have to return the material to your local library, after which you can borrow it again.
If you renew too late
You can renew materials even after the loan period has expired, as long as the material in question is not reserved by others and the two loan periods have not been used up.
If the loan period is exceeded, you will still be charged a fee. You can see Aarhus Libraries' rates and fees here.
If you are having trouble renewing
If you experience problems renewing your loans, you are always welcome to contact your local library who will explain why you cannot renew your loans.
You can call us at +45 89 40 92 00.
Special for remote loans
A remote loan is a material that is obtained from a library outside Aarhus Libraries. Renewal of remote loans can be done to the extent permitted by the lending library, but only for a maximum of two additional loan periods and only if the renewal is done in a timely manner.
If the remote loan renewal is rejected by the lending library, you will receive a notification that the loan has been given a new due date. You then have 7 days to return it.
A remote loan borrowed from one of Aarhus Libraries must always be returned to one of Aarhus Libraries.
Returning materials
When you need to return your borrowed materials at Aarhus Libraries, you have several options to make it easy and convenient.
Lending and return machines at the libraries
You can use the libraries' lending and return machines to return your loans.
- 24/7 return machine at Dokk1
You can also return your loans at the outdoor 24/7-machine at the car park under Dokk1. Here you can return your borrowed materials at any time of the day or night throughout the year.
Keep your reciept
The machines can print a delivery receipt or send it to your email. Always keep your receipt as proof of delivery.